
Newly Launched Online Coding Programmes For Everyone!

2nd Feb 2021
Newly Launched Online Coding Programmes For Everyone!
Recognising that coding is the language of the future, ESF Language and Learning offers coding classes for both ESF and non-ESF students. Children are able to think outside the box and pick up tech fundamentals easily. Depending on the age and interests of your kids, you can enrol them in a wide variety of classes. Primary school children (starting at 8 years) could take the First Steps In Coding course or explore science through Magic, Myths and Monsters, while those slightly older could build their own 2D Arcade Games. And there are exciting choices for the future Elon Musks and Steve Jobs!
For now, these classes are being offered only online so safety and hygiene isn’t a worry. The class sizes have been kept small (6 to 8 students) so that teachers can offer special attention to each child. Personal computers are required for online and on-site coding programmes (tablets are not recommended).
Sassy Mama tip:
If you want to sign up for January to March term, please do so quickly. The term starts on Monday, 18 January 2021 and registrations close (for the rest of the term) after the second class as new students will not be able to keep up!