2024-25 年度Term 1 課程現已接受報名


Term 1 課程總覽:

運動班 語文班
籃球  學前課程
足球 幼稚園課程 
游水 小學課程
非撞式欖球 中學課程



Facilities For Hire





學校就在大路上,並鄰近香港最足球場之一以及一流的板球網設施。 英皇佐治五世學校的設施可以外租予學友和廣大民。






  • 室內溫水(冬季限定)游泳池
  • 長:25米(共設六條泳道)
  • 深:1.1米至3米
  • 適合進行游泳班及水肺潛水活動






  1. ESF will not accept responsibility for any loss of or damage to any of its property by the Hirer during the period of hiring. Any property brought on to the school premises by the Hirer is done so at the sole risk of the Hirer.

  2. No advertising may be placed in any area of the school premises without the written permission of the Principal.

  3. The Hirer does not have exclusive right of access or possession of the Premises at any time.

  4. The Hirer does not have any right to exclude anyone from the school premises or site or lot at any time, which remains the sole right of ESF.

  5. ESF reserve the right to enter any of the Premises being hired at any time.

  6. This agreement is not assignable.

  7. The Facility to be used under this Agreement cannot be sublet or used by another party. It is for the sole use of the USER during the agreed term.

  8. The Hirer will not be entitled to use any other area of the school save for reasonable access to the hired areas and use of toilets/ changing rooms as agreed.

  9. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that the Premises being hired are not modified in any way and maintained in a safe condition during the period of Hiring.

  10. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that all areas being hired are left in a clean and tidy condition at the end of the hiring period. If this is not done, the school reserves the right to charge the Hirer a penalty sum to cover the costs of any repairs or cleaning.

  11. ESF operates a strict NO SMOKING policy which the Hirer will observe at all times during the hiring period.

  12. The Hirer will comply with the ESF Health & Safety requirements at all times during the hiring period.

  13. The hired facility may be accessed only by the Hirer nominated in the application.

  14. The Hirer shall indemnify and keep indemnified ESF/ESL and its school(s) against all actions, claims, and demands by any person who suffers or suffers or sustains any death, injury, loss or damages arising out of or as a result of the use of the school premises and or facilities by the Hirer or any person so authorized by him due to the negligence on his part or on the part of such authorized person.

  1. ESF accepts in good faith the information provided by the individual or company processing the facility booking. It is incumbent upon the individual or company to ensure the authenticity and validity of instructor qualifications. In the case of instructors qualifications being invalid or untrue, no responsibility will be accepted by ESF should a case of negligence be presented. This will be the responsibility of the individual or company employing the instructor.

  2. Insurance coverage must cater for the activities the company are engaged in and the instructors supervising the activities.

  3. Any breach of the regulations will result in the booking being cancelled and being offered to another sporting group or company.

  1. There shall be no smoking, drinking of alcohol or drugs on the premises.

  2. Hirers and users will understand and comply with all relative statutory requirements for the activities that they are undertaking.

  3. All Hirers and Users shall consider and manage the Health & Safety risks of your activities.

  4. Hirers and users shall at all times maintain the premises in a clean and tidy condition and shall not alter any fixtures or fittings.

  5. Hirers and Users shall handle and dispose of any and all foodstuffs in a hygienic way.

  6. If applicable, Hirers and Users shall handle and dispose of any chemical or hazardous materials according to the manufacturer’s instructions and in accordance with the relative HK statutory requirement.

  7. As needed Hirers and Users shall provide all participants in their activities with the appropriate Personal, Protective Equipment (PPE).

  8. There shall be no working at height (defined as 1.8 metres above ground level) by any participant without the correct training and provision of PPE.

  9. Hirers and Users and their participants shall at all times exercise caution on stairs and in corridors, especially during times of high humidity and rain.

  10. Hirers, Users and their participants shall at all times be mindful of their activities and behavior and its impact on other users of the premises.

