Little yoga sessions are fun and engaging classes which combine song, movement and massage to develop body and brain development in infants. With plenty of nursery rhymes, bubbles, sensory play and colour, Little Yoga is a rich sensory experience for your little love.
There are many benefits of baby yoga for both infant and caregiver, ranging from improved attachment and bond, to stronger muscles, joints and reflexes. Many of the baby yoga movements and poses that we practice in class are beneficial for the development of your child’s nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems, as well as their brain organisation and development. You will also learn ways to alleviate symptoms of common ailments such as trapped wind and constipation.
Most importantly though: Little yoga classes are fun. With a strong emphasis on playfulness and enjoyment, it’s a wonderful way to spend time with your baby.
Ages 8 weeks to rollers
Rollers to walkers
Ages 18months - 2.5 years old
Ages 2.5 - 4 years old