
Policies & Guidelines

We have a number of policies in place to assure the quality of our programmes, their administration and the safety of the children and staff who take part in them.

Please take a moment to review our policies and guidelines below.

Course Administration


1.    Applications

1.1.  Places are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

1.2.  You are asked to inform the office in writing should you wish to make any changes after the application is processed. Please see below for our policies on withdrawals.

1.3.  Please check time, date and venue carefully and make note of any statutory holidays as outlined on the schedule. No further reminder will be made, but you will always be notified of any changes in a class schedule or location.

1.4.  We use email, or SMS in case of an emergency, to communicate with parents. If you are not receiving our email/SMS, please check your junk mail (email) and make sure that we have your updated contact details so that you receive communications from us. We cannot be held responsible for any missed classes due to unread emails or our email landing in your spam inbox. If you are uncertain which contact details you provided us with, please call our office at 2711 1280, and we will update your email address and your telephone number. It is very important that we have your correct contact details in accordance to our Child Protection Policy. Please also keep in mind that opting out of email communication, you may miss important information related to the programmes your child attends.

1.5.  No refund or credit will be issued on equipment orders for any reason, including late delivery.

1.6.  New and unused and faulty equipment can be exchanged at our office within 30 days of receiving your order.

1.7.  We have the right to exclude children from classes for the non-payment of fees

2.     Cancellation, Absence, Sick Leave & Withdrawal Policies

*Please refer to our weather policy for more details regarding weather cancellations.

3.      Payment for a Course

3.1.   In case of any outstanding payments, we reserve the right to suspend a student during the term for non-payment of course fees. We will contact you in due time to arrange a payment to avoid such situations but it is your responsibility to pay for the services provided by us.   

4.     Venues & Facilities

4.1.  Parking is not available at any ESF school and therefore public transportation is recommended.

4.2   In case of unanticipated site conflicts, a suitable replacement venue will be offered, or a credit will be issued. No refunds will be made in such instances.

4.3  If we cancel a class due to teacher or coach absence, a credit will be issued.

5.     Parent and Guardian Responsibilities

5.1.  All students must be under adult supervision while waiting for classes to begin. For all sports programmes, we recommend parents and guardians of children under the age of 8 to remain on site for the duration of the class.

5.2.  For our languages programmes, parents and guardians are asked to wait outside the venue while the class is in progress. Teachers have the right to ask any person to leave the premises.

5.3.  Lessons will finish on time. Please ensure you pick up your child promptly at the end of the lesson.

6.     Safety

6.1.  Participants are expected to abide by the regulations of the facility. This will be strictly enforced and we reserve the right to ask anyone who does not abide by the rules or behaves unreasonably to leave immediately.

6.2.  ESF Educational Services, our coaches and our teachers are not responsible for any injury to participants, or damages or loss of property as a result of participation in our courses.

6.3.  In case of a medical emergency, your child will be transferred to the nearest government hospital using the Hong Kong Government Emergency Medical Unit.

7.           Information Policy

7.1.        Information provided by you on your application form will be used for the purposes of:

7.1.1.     processing your application for admission; and

7.1.2.     administration after admission.

7.2.        The data we collect will be kept confidential. You have the right to obtain access to and request correction of any information concerning you and your child held by us. Requests for        such access should be made in writing.

7.3.        We reserve the right to amend our policies from time to time.

7.4.        Read our full Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)


Child Protection Policy


ESF Explore coaches and teachers have a duty of care towards children in their charge and ensure always that the safety and protection of the child comes first – whether presented with an actual hazard, or in relation to any form of abuse. Each coach and teacher complies with ESF’s Working with Children requirements and completes annual professional development on health and safety and topics relating to child protection.

ESF Sports has a dedicated Child Protection Officer in Vincent Alarcon (Director of Sport) who will deal with any child protection, welfare or safety concerns when contacted at

Emma Dorrell (Director of Language & Learning) is the Child Protection Officer for ESF Language & Learning. She can be emailed at

Any matters of child protection or safety should be raised with either Director of Sports or the Director of Language & Learning by email (


Code of Conduct


We value the relationship we have with our parents and students, and strive to treat one another with respect and dignity, and offer support where needed. In turn we have an expectation that parents and care-givers of children attending any of our programmes follow the same principles.

All parties should…


  • treat one another with respect
  • respect the confidentiality of the situation and the privacy of individuals involved
  • respect the beliefs, cultures and opinions of others even if you disagree


  • follow the procedures and practises of the programme and if you disagree with something, talk to the coach/teacher first

Ethical Communication

  • use appropriate communication skills
  • stay calm and relaxed
  • use non-judgmental, respectful language
  • seek advice whenever appropriate

We ask that parents and caregivers please…

Ethical Conduct

  • don’t smoke anywhere on school premises
  • don’t possess, use or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs on school premises
  • don’t harass or abuse any person or use profanity on school premises or sports facility
  • do not take any photographs or video/audio recordings without permission. To do so is illegal

Parents and caregivers should…

  • behave and dress appropriately
  • act with care and diligence
  • behave honestly and with integrity

To ensure that we make everyone’s experience in sport as positive as possible, we expect that parents and caregivers will abide by these additional principles:

  • Encourage your child to play each sport by the rules and laws of the game
  • Support and encourage fair play from all players, including the opposition
  • Never publicly criticise your child or other players
  • Do not question decisions made by the match officials
  • Show respect for the programme with particular regard to attendance and time keeping
  • Abide by all regulations of the programme and requests by coaches
  • Focus on the effort and performance rather than winning or losing. Recognise that the Coaches are following a long-term programme of development for your child
  • Do not coach from the sidelines. The only information and/or instructions to the players should come from the coach
  • Remember that children learn best by example. Applaud good play by all players and teams
  • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities
  • Show appreciation of volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them, your child could not participate
  • Discuss any concerns with the coach so they can address them directly
  • Accept all decisions and requests by the coach on the day. If you wish to dispute them later, find a time convenient to yourself and the coach.


Personal Information Collection Statement


Please take a moment to read the following Personal Information Collection Statement.

  1. From time to time it is necessary for students (or their parents/guardians) and staff members to supply the English Schools Foundation (“ESF”) or ESF Educational Services Ltd (“ESL”), with certain personal data for school administrative, academic, pastoral purposes and alumni activities.
  2. Personal data of staff members, students and their parents/guardians will be handled by relevant ESF or ESL staff members and will be kept confidential.
  3. Staff members’ experience and/or teaching qualifications may be made available to relevant ESF and ESL stakeholders at the discretion of the school’s Principal or Department Head. (For example, on the school web site or announcements of appointments in newsletters or emails.)
  4. ESF or ESL may also disclose some of the data to third parties such as agencies (including the Hong Kong government), service providers and contractors (whether within or outside Hong Kong) appointed by ESF or ESL to undertake some of its academic, pastoral and administrative and alumni functions. This includes transferring data between ESF and ESL.
  5. ESF or ESL may use personal data (such as name and contact details) to send communications that are relevant to parents and students, including but not limited to newsletters, programmes, courses, seminars, lectures, conferences, events and extra-curricular activities and clubs of ESF, ESL or selected third party service providers.
  6. Apart from the parties listed above, ESF or ESL will not disclose any personal data to any external bodies or organisations unless:(a) such disclosure is expressly provided for under this Statement;
    (b) permitted to do so by the student or his/her parent/guardian; and/or
    (c) permitted or required by law.
  7. Personal data may be stored in the ESF or ESL database systems and online portals and any such personal data provided will form part of the staff member or the student’s official records (as relevant) at ESF or ESL.
  8. In schools where there are Parent Teacher Associations (PTA), ESF or ESL may provide such data to the relevant PTA for inclusion in the PTA directory. If you do not wish your details to be included in the PTA directory, please inform the relevant ESF or ESL school accordingly.
  9. ESF or ESL may place student’s and staff member’s photo, name or school work, activities and accomplishments in ESF or ESL publications, websites (including but not limited to social media sites) used by ESF or ESL for organisational purposes.
  10. Failure to provide the data requested may result in ESF or ESL being unable to proceed with the purpose for which such data was requested.
  11. Data subjects may submit a signed, written request to the Principal of the relevant school to access or to correct personal data held by ESF or ESL. ESF or ESL shall levy a charge for accessing the information.
  12. From time to time ESF or ESL may use the parent or guardian’s personal data (such as your name and contact details) to send information about our programmes and offers that we consider may be of interest, benefit and value to you and which could be viewed as direct marketing under recent Hong Kong legislation. We are required by law to give you the opportunity not to receive this information. As such, please make a selection on the online application to indicate your consent, or otherwise, to receive such information. Please keep in mind that by opting out of receiving this information, you or your son or daughter may miss receiving important information related to the programme(s) your child may be attending.

Please refer to the ESF Personal Data Handling Policy, which is available upon request, for more information.

Mailing Address

ESF Explore

2/F 2A Tin Kwong Road, The Jockey Club Sarah Roe Centre,

Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Tel: 2711 1280

Should you wish to unsubscribe from our mailing list, please click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our promotional emails. By unsubscribing, you could be missing important information relating to our programmes and services, which could be of interest and value to you.



Photos Guidelines


ESF taking photographs or videos

  1. ESF Explore coaches, teachers and staff may occasionally use cameras and videos during sessions and classes for technical feedback/assessment, in the case of sport, or for use in promotional publications and on our website.
  2. These images will not be passed onto third parties.
  3. If parents do not wish us to use photos that include their child, please advise us on the application form or, in writing.

Parents/Guardians taking photographs or video

  1. We understand that parents will want to take photographs and videos of their child.
  2. We also have an obligation to protect children from the inappropriate use of photographic images.

Photo and Video Policy

  1. In line with ESF’s policy for the use of digital and video images, we request that parents/guardians abide by the following rules to protect the welfare of the students in our programmes and to ensure the wishes of other parties (e.g. parents/coaches/teachers) are respected:
    • Parents/guardians taking photos/videos should be considerate of other people and in no way disrupt the flow of the session, lesson or event taking place
    • Parents/guardians should stop taking any photos or recording at the request of any staff member
    • Parents/guardians must agree to provide copies to us if requested
    • Please avoid taking unnecessary close-ups of individual children (other than your own child)
    • Please stand away from the activity and not disrupt participants or spectators view
    • Please avoid taking any photos/videos which could cause embarrassment or distress
    • Avoid publishing and uploading images or video footage on the internet
    • If you do publish or display any private pages on social media, images of any other children, other than own, should be avoided, or masked
  2. Please be reminded that ESF owns the copyright of all photos and video footage taken at ESF organised classes or events.



Inclement Weather Policy

In the interest of your children’s safety, we follow the guidelines of the 
Education Bureau (EDB)Hong Kong Observatory, and the ESF schools’ Weather and Health and Safety Policies. We also take into account a range of international standards of safe practice especially with regards to sporting activities in the context of Hong Kong.

The overall aim of our Guideline for Inclement Weather is to ensure that our after school programmes are run through a culture of safe practices.

Our lessons are cancelled in the event of adverse weather conditions.

All sports and language lessons follow the guidelines below on the conditions under which lessons will be cancelled and the time at which cancellation comes into effect. In certain instances, classes may not proceed due to overriding circumstances, including but not limited to unsafe facilities, EDB or other announcements. This may or may not include instances when a weather signal is issued by Hong Kong Observatory (for example heavy localised rain, hazardous hot and humid weather, and similar). In all weather related cancellations beyond our control, a cancellation announcement will be made on our website and Facebook, and no refund, credit or make-ups will be provided.

Hong Kong Observatory weather warning signals

The signals referred to are those issued by the Hong Kong Observatory (see We have these timings in place to ensure the safety of our students and also to ensure our staff can safely travel to and from our schools. We advise you to check our website as we will post a notice confirming any cancellations once a decision has been made. The cut-off times indicated in the table below are designed to allow students and coaches/teachers to travel safely to and from our venues.


*In the event of localised rainfall, outdoor classes (weekdays) may be cancelled between 12nn and 2pm depending on conditions of the specific venue

*Please note that all primary classes will continue as usual during T3.

Rainstorm and Typhoon Warning Signals raised when the session is in operation

If a rain warning is raised after the above time, we advise you to stay home as it may be unsafe to travel. If you have already set off for school, then proceed to school where staff will look after your child. If a typhoon warning is raised on your way to school or during class, we advise you to return home if it is safe to travel. Please be assured that if the signal is raised during class, your child will be supervised until they are collected by a parent / guardian.

Heat and Humidity

The tolerability to different levels of intensity of physical/sports activity varies among people. In general, it depends on health condition, previous exercise experience and level of physical fitness of individuals. It is the parents’ responsibility to monitor possible impact of adverse weather conditions on their children and take appropriate decisions if their child/children should, or should not, participate in activities.

Adjustments due to the adverse weather may involve cancellation, reducing excessive exertion, shade, headgear, sunblock, appropriate fluids made available and other control measures as appropriate.

In the event of hazardous weather conditions due to heat and humidity, our programmes will be adjusted accordingly to accommodate the prevailing weather. This may include, in case of sports programmes, reducing intensity of the activity, moving the activity indoors, where possible, or cancellation.

Air Quality

In assessing the impact of air quality, we take guidance from EPD and Air Quality Health Index website in relation to the nearest appropriate Air Pollution Index (API) station.

Language Classes, including playgroups, will continue as usual, as they are all in indoors air-conditioned classrooms.

Sports classes that are conducted outdoors will be modified so that activities are appropriate to the air pollution warnings.



(AQHI) > 7

Reduce physical exertion. Intensity and duration of activities at moderate level.

AQHI > 8

Reduce to the minimum outdoor physical exertion, and reduce to the minimum the time of staying outdoors

AQHI > 10

Move all activities indoors, where possible, otherwise, cancel

Please refer to the Air Quality Health Index website for more information.

Kindergarten Recommendations

Primary and Secondary Schools Recommendations

You can download an app to check the AQHI in your area. iPhone/Android.

Thunderstorm Warnings

Thunderstorm warnings are often generalised, and the area where we conduct our programmes may be free from thunderstorms. We will use the Hong Kong Observatory website and information from school staff and our staff in making decisions regarding continuation or cancellation of classes. Our guiding principle is the safety of your children.