31st Dec 2021
Winter Camps 2021 In Review
Winter Camps have come to an end this term! Filled with winter-themed activities, the children had a blast no matter which programme they joined. Here is our end-of-camp review, highlighting the best of all that our children had experienced over the last two weeks. Check out our top 8 programmes that we have hand-picked this Christmas.
28th Dec 2021
Come Read with Me (Why Reading with your Child is Important)
A love of reading can reap many benefits both at school but also throughout adulthood and beyond.
2nd Dec 2021
Differences between Lacrosse and Field Hockey
Many people often confuse themselves between Lacrosse and Field Hockey- both are played on the field and have similar uniforms for players. Despite these similarities, there are a lot of differences between these two major sports.
23rd Nov 2021
More Than A Game: 2 Key Roles Computer Games Play In Education
Here are two ways computer games assist in the development of core skills in children. Computer games do not subtract from learning. Rather, they enhance the overall learning experience. They motivate students to inquire about topics they are interested in - which they discover through the help of these games.